Logo Light flat lanterns to promote your logo or brand message
Logolight, Flat or flat lantern light in all its versions, is ideal for personal use flashlight.
It is the perfect flashlight for your pocket, purse or carry in the car.
It is a lightweight flashlight slimline card with a wide area of offset printing. These characteristics make it the most effective way to promote your brand, logo or advertising message advertising flashlight.
Features flat flashlights
Thanks to the large area of flat flashlights, we can print in four colors on both sides both logos and advertising texts.
As a gift or promotional detail, it is ideal for the glove compartment, for bags, pockets or purses.
An advertising claim that lasts long.
- Approximate thickness of 5 mm
- Light weight of only 29 grams
- Executive flashlight flat model (90 x 75 mm) with or without Key
- Flat flashlight Model Credit Card (80 x 50 mm) with or without key
Availability for both models from 1,000 units
Range of promotional and advertising flashlights flat

Testimonials on flat flashlights
"Very useful this flashlight! We are the offered our drivers in our transport company."
Peter Lups, Transmed (Netherlands)
"With each car we sell, we offer a Logolight with the Ford logo and our address."
Pick Noland, Ford dealer network (Philadelphia)
Frequently Asked Questions about Logolight and flat flashlights
How long flat flashlights?
The Executive Logolights have 4 batteries and last approximately 2 years.
In the case of Credit Card Logolights have only one battery and lasts about a year.
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